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still Waiting
2005-05-23 || 11:22 a.m.

You called me. after not talking for 24 days.

I was finally used to not talking to you, and then you come in. And I'm all fucked up again. Like a kid without her dolly I'm confused and looking for you.

You told me you were lonely, I could have cried. I never expected to hear things like that, not from you. Why do you always have to catch me off guard?

"since we stopped talking, I've been lonely" But yet, you don't miss people. I'm so confused.

All I do about you is wonder. If you and that girl are together, if you'll call me again. If you are lying to me. Ugh.

how could you apologize? I don't want your apology. Nothing even close. But of all things.. to say you are sorry for breaking my heart!? that is so out of character for you. Why couldn't you just leave me here to rot? Now you had to show me the person that I fell in love with. That he really is still alive inside of you. Now I'm back where I started.. Waiting.

Shut your Mouth